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traitement endodontie

What is endodontics?

Endodontics is the part of odontology (also called root, canal or devitalization treatment) that consists of treating the internal part of the tooth, the pulp, when it is affected (decay, fracture, necrosis… )

Endodontic treatment is a complex operation that requires real know-how. It consists of : .

Removing remnants of infected living tissue from dental pulp
Prepare the inside of the canals with files using a manual or mechanical technique
Disinfect the inside of the channels using sodium hypochlorite
Dry the root canal system
Fill the root canal using cold or heated gutta-percha.

Before treating endodontics, the dental surgeon generally performs local anesthesia.

Endodontic consultation​

The consultation aimed at detecting and then treating an endodontic problem takes place in three main phases:

  • Diagnostic phase: the specialist auscultates the tooth and determines the level of infection
  • Preparatory phase: the specialist performs root canal shaping as well as disinfection of the tooth root
  • Root canal filling phase: the specialist fills the root canal system. This step makes it possible to perpetuate the results of the disinfection.

Why consult an endodontist

Indeed, in case of root canal treatment difficulty by your general practitioner, it is strongly recommended to refer to an endodontic specialist. It is obvious that the use of this professional is necessary for various reasons:

  • The specialist has the theoretical and practical knowledge essential for complex operations on the dental pulp
  • The specialist has a technical platform at the cutting edge of technology (digital radiography, operating microscope, etc.)
  • The specialist offers post-treatment follow-up
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