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Technique implant basal​

Basal implant technique

Implantology (basal implant technique) makes it possible to reconstruct complete jaws in a single step (immediate loading).

Basal implants are placed immediately after the extractions of all teeth. The dental bridge (prosthesis) is also fixed immediately (a few days after the implants). This process is called immediate loading.

Sourire Dentaire and our partner clinic (Medstom) located in Sofia, Bulgaria has specialized in basal implants for 20 years and allows the patient to leave with these new teeth within a week (approximately) thanks to the technology that we call basal implantology or strategic implantation.

Lack of bone / Periodontitis

The patient is a smoker and suffers from periodontitis, therefore from bone loss. His dentist offered him a bone graft which he refused given the very long implementation time and the postoperative risks.

Before coming to the clinic in Sofia, the patient provided a panoramic X-ray so that we could do a first detailed examination of his mouth.

He contacts the expertise department of Sourire Dentaire and obtains a treatment plan and a detailed estimate within 48 hours.

patient implant basal
implant basal patient

Immediate loading implantology without bone graft

The basal implant technique is chosen beforehand with the patient’s agreement. First, all the teeth are extracted and a gingival plasty is performed in order to clean up the infected gums and reduce the risk of receding gums as much as possible.

Basal implants can then be placed without bone grafting since they are placed in the cortical bone following a very specific care protocol and using state-of-the-art devices using 3D technology. The dental bridges are loaded immediately on the basal implants. This means that 3 days after placing the immediate dental implants the bridges must be fixed. It is the latter that ensure the distribution of chewing forces.

Smoking and Basal Implant

The direct risk of smoking on basal implants is minimal since these dental implants are smooth. The patient, although he will be advised against it for his general health, can continue to smoke without risk for the basal implants. Bone loss was not a problem during the operation since the basal implants are fixed in the cortical part of the maxillary bone.

Basal implant technical opinion in Sofia

Our patient Pjeter testifies after placement of basal implants on a bone suffering from bone loss. He will also give his opinion on the organization of Sourire Dentaire and the medical team of the dental clinic in Sofia and on his stay in general. (video below)

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