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More comfortable and aesthetic than dentures, crowns, or traditional bridges, dental implants can replace a missing tooth.

Each year in France, nearly 400,000 implants are placed. However, the price of implant placement can sometimes be prohibitive, especially since Social Security reimbursements are particularly low.

Only a good mutual insurance company can guarantee you a satisfactory reimbursement!

What is the average price of a dental implant?

As with most dental prostheses, the price of a dental implant varies from simple to double or more, depending on several factors, including:

the type of dental implant (endosteal or subperiosteal);
the procedure used for the intervention;
the number of implants to place or the number of teeth to replace;
the number of examinations/consultations necessary before implant placement;
the practitioner’s fees, freely set by the latter.

In general, in France, you will need to count between 1,500 € and 2,500 € for the complete procedure, for a single tooth and between 350 € and 650 € for treatment abroad. The placement of a dental implant is the most expensive. It is also the one that allows you to keep the equivalent of real teeth with greater comfort on a daily basis and over the long term.

Despite their high cost, dental implants are often unanimous among those who wear them. First of all, they are a permanent solution, which means you won’t have to change them regularly. They are fixed “for life” and do not require special maintenance. No need to remove them regularly.

Another significant advantage, they look like natural teeth, and are therefore not bothersome from an aesthetic point of view.

If the note is salty at the time, dental implants are actually less expensive in the long term since they require no maintenance and do not have to be changed.

More and more patients are going abroad to have their implants done, which effectively reduces the price by 50% to 70%. The prices also vary according to the materials used and the operating techniques, but also according to the regions and the practitioners.


Whatever the implantation technique, installation problems are rare and easily solved. The “success” rates are close to 100%, and solutions are quickly found in the event of failure.

The main disadvantage is mainly financial at first because the initial investment is far from insignificant. And in a second step, the wait of on average 1 year in case of lack of bone, because a bone graft will have to be made before being able to place the implants.

This problem does not arise if you choose the basal implant or a bone graft is not necessary and the implants can be placed directly.

The two types and techniques of implantation are:

Osteo-integrated dental implant: The traditional implant is fixed in the spongy part of the bone (the alveolar bone), so it will be necessary to use a bone graft when the jaw is affected by a lack of bone (bone atrophy with loss of mass).

Basal dental implant: Implant technique that allows fixed dental rehabilitation for patients with extreme bone resorption, without resorting to bone grafts. In the case of complete edentulism, the patient regains his teeth with immediate loading

What reimbursement for your dental implants?

Implant placement not reimbursed because considered “outside the nomenclature”. In other words, social security does not offer any reimbursement for a dental implant. The price of this dental treatment can therefore be expensive!

Indeed, only the crown that covers the dental implant is eligible for reimbursement from Health Insurance.

To determine the amount, In France, Social Security defines a reimbursement basis (the price it agrees to reimburse to its policyholders depending on the act performed) and a reimbursement rate. To date, the reimbursement basis for a dental crown is set at €107.50, with a reimbursement rate of 70%. In concrete terms, this means that Health Insurance agrees to reimburse you 70% of €107.50 (i.e. €75.25) of the total amount of the operation, regardless of the price of your dental implants or the procedure.

It should also be noted that to receive reimbursement from Social Security, the patient must meet several conditions, including:

justify the placement of a crown by the dilapidated state of the tooth;
do not perform this operation on a baby tooth.

Most patients choose treatment abroad such as in Bulgaria which is renowned for its state-of-the-art dental clinics and thus benefit from attractive prices and reimbursement which has an impact on the total price.

Advantages and disadvantages of dental implants

Benefits :

The first advantage provided by dental implants is of course to replace the missing tooth or teeth, thus restoring the smile. They therefore have a major aesthetic role. Implants also perform a functional role by restoring chewing, and therefore nutrition. Dental implants allow you to eat all the food you want. So you can, for example, bite into an apple with confidence! The comfort felt during chewing is the same with an implant as with a natural tooth.

Finally, to be completely exhaustive, it should be noted that overall dental implants are reliable with very high success rates. Of course, the success rate in implantology varies according to different factors related to the patient (state of health, oral hygiene, etc.), the implant system used, the experience of the surgeon, etc. So even if you are implanted young , it is very likely that you will keep your implants all your life.


Surgery is required to place the implants. As with all surgeries, there are risks, including bleeding, infection, numbness, or injury to adjacent muscles or the sinus cavity.